
Novatex At Excelsior

Novatex is supporting Excelsior project. The CEO of Novatex Mr George Georgiou presenting to members of the consortium and other partners along with representatives from the EU, services and other tasks that can be undertaken by Novatex. It was followed by an event open to the public in which the president of Cyprus Mr Anastasiades was present. …

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Novatex at Robotex (International Robotics Competition)

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WEXHE project presentation

Presenting the WEXHE PROJECT (Integrating Entrepreneurship and work experience into higher education) at the ERACON 2019 conference organised by the European Association of Erasmus Coordinators. George K. Georgiou on stage #wexhe #eracon2019 — at Aliathon Resort.

Visit to InnovAthens

The founder of NOVATEX Mr. George Georgiou (on the left) had the opportunity to visit the INNOVATHENS premises in Greece. InnovAthens is the The Hub of Innovation & Entrepreneurship of Technopolis City of Athens. For more information checkout their website