novatex at Robotex
Novatex CEO Mr. George Georgiou attending Robotex International Robotics Competition. Almost 250 people, coaches, competitors with their families and organizers travelled to Estonia, from CYPRUS, to…
Unicorn Project EU
Unicorn presentation of the results of the valuation phase of Unicorn_H2020 project in Brussels at Confindustria. A great day discussing about Cloud Computing with early users of the UCO platform lies ahead us…..
novatex at RIK Radio 1
Tune in at 17:05 on RIK 1 Radio (Πρώτο) ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΝΕΟΥΣ. We’re discussing Robotics, youth and Cyprus largest Educational Robotics Group ”Robotex” and Cyprus Robotex Mission that….
novatex at Excelsior
Novatex is supporting Excelsior project. The CEO of Novatex Mr George Georgiou presenting to members of the consortium and other partners along with representatives from the EU, services and other tasks that…..
novatex meeting with ambassador of Estonia.
Meeting with the ambassador of Estonia Priit Pallum. At the end of the month 250+ Robotic enthusiasts from Cyprus will travel to Tallinn in Estonia for Robotex . Discussion was fruitful and included topics such….
wEXHE Project
How can we better prepare our students for their future role in society? Robert Wagenaar from University of Groningen explains how the WEXHE project tries to find an answer to this question, creating models and packages to help the students navigate the world of work